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Aptos Little League Baseball

Aptos Little League Baseball


We have our annual Board of Directors ELECTIONS scheduled for this Thursday, June 10th at 7:00pm at the Aptos Junior High School.  We have decided to hold the election this year in-person, outside in a group meeting format.  Any league members that are interested in running for a position should attend this meeting.  The process will be in-person majority vote for election onto the board. 

We have both Executive & General board positions OPEN.  For Executive level OPEN positions, you can find more information on role responsibilities in our Constitution.  On the website go to, click on the ‘About’ tab, then click on ‘Constitution’ tab and scroll down to pages 9-17 for a complete description on the positions or click this link Aptos Little League Constitution ( See positions open below.

Our league is a non-profit 501c organization run 100% by volunteers.  The board is an eclectic, diversified and fun group of parents & community members that volunteer their time to keep our league organized.  We are always looking for more help on the board.  If you are interested in running, please add this BOD meeting to your calendar for this coming Thursday, June 10th at 7:00pm at the AJHS. We will start promptly at 7:00pm.  It is important that you attend in order to be elected and confirmed. We are looking for volunteers to fill several open positions on the board of directors. Let us know if you have any questions or comments. 

Executive Board:
President- OPEN
Vice President- OPEN
Treasurer- Mark Florez
Player Agent- OPEN
Secretary- OPEN
Information Officer- Amber Watkins
Umpire-in-Chief- OPEN
Safety Officer- Brad Williams
Coaching Coordinator- OPEN

General Board:

Information Officer team
-Assistant Information Officer- Website- OPEN
-Assistant Information Officer- Registration- OPEN
-Assistant Information Officer- Social Media- OPEN
Field Manager- OPEN
Official Scorekeeper- OPEN
Equipment Manager- Brian Pieracci
-Assistant Equipment Manager- OPEN
Fundraising Chair- Amber Melenudo
-Sign Sponsorships- Amber Melenudo
-Hit-a-thon- John Bergh
Opening & Closing Ceremony- Laura Sheppard
Snack Shack- Brianna Bauen & Cristin French
Tryout Coordinators- John Bergh

-50/70- John Bergh
-Majors- OPEN
-Farm- Nick Tanza
-Tee Ball- OPEN


Aptos Little League Baseball
P.O. Box 1416 
Aptos, California 95001

Email: [email protected]

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